\ Crouse Cartage Co

Crouse Cartage Co Carroll, IA
MC-123389 DoT 64194
Ceased Operations 2000

Facebook - Crouse Cartage Co.
Youtube - 𝐂𝐂𝐂 (Crouse Cartage Company) Trucks
Youtube - Crouse Cartage Company International CO 4070B Transtar II Toy Trucker & Contractor Toy Farmer DCP
A Coloring Book of Fallen Flags
Books/fallen flag


Seller Name Seller
Schaefer Transfer Dunlap IA sld1954 DQ
Harlan Express NE NE sld1958 DQ
Stomac Motor Express Inc Ft Dodge IA sld1961 DQ
Bos Lines Inc (Portions) Marshalltown IL sld1968 DQ
Marc Truck Lines IL IL sld1974 DQ
Circle C Express King City MO sld DQ
Days Cartage Carroll IA sld DQ
Grady Truck Line Fort Dodge IA sld DQ
Rock Island Motor Transport sld DQ

US Trademark

Profiled in Mike Terebecki's The Trucking Pioneers Book IX (click image to see Book index)

Patches of it that are in my project - Facebook Trucking Industry Insignia Patches

c01 c01 c01 c01
Other known patches.
Crouse Cartage Items on eBay
Note that patches sold by "freedomfifty2k" and "bob82ndabn325inf"are likely promo/replica patches, not patches actually used by the company represented.